键盘侠 像波尔
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[Post Game Thread] The San Antonio Spurs (3-2) defeat the Phoenix Suns (2-3), 132 - 121, behind Wembanyama's 38 points
【赛后贴】文班亚马38分 ,马刺(3胜2负)以132-121击败太阳(2胜3负) 。侠 像波
马刺(3-2):文班亚马38分10篮板2助攻2帽 ,键盘瓦塞尔17分2篮板 ,侠 像波科林斯19分8篮板4助攻 ,键盘索汉14分5篮板9助攻 ,侠 像波凯尔登7分7篮板6助攻2抢断,键盘麦克德莫特6分,侠 像波奥斯曼13分2篮板,键盘贝西3分,侠 像波特雷-琼斯12分5篮板10助攻,键盘布兰纳姆3分3助攻 。侠 像波
太阳(2-3) :布克31分9篮板13助攻,键盘杜兰特28分6篮板2帽,努尔基奇7分3篮板2助攻,格雷森-阿伦16分2篮板4助攻 ,尤班克斯13分5篮板,渡边雄太3分4篮板 ,迪奥普13分2篮板 ,戈登7分,古德温3分3助攻。
[–]SunsMattRice15 619 points an hour ago
Someone tell China to make another Yao Ming
太阳球迷:来总体见告中国,再造一个姚明进去 。
怀斯曼 2分钟3犯
[–]United StatesUnhingedSupernova 410 points an hour ago
They already have their own Yao Ming. He's playing for the Pistons and his name is James Wiseman.
美国球迷 :他们已经有自己的姚明啦 ,他效力于活塞队,他的名字是詹姆斯-怀斯曼。
[–]HeatMister_Squibbles 77 points an hour ago
Idk why this is so funny lmao
[–]LakersPalifaith 871 points an hour ago
So the Spurs really did get the next generational big man after all uh.
湖人球迷 :看模样马刺真的患上到了下一个划时期的大个球员。
[–]Lakershairyasscheeks_ 308 points an hour ago
Somehow the spurs returned
[–][CHI] Cameron PayneSim888 567 points an hour ago
*It’s over, it’s over ladies and gentleman…let’s go home!
公牛球迷:已经停止啦 ,家人们 ,回家收衣服吧 !
[–][SAS] Skip WisePieMasterBob 235 points an hour ago
We learned how to throw the ball high
League fucked
马刺球迷 :咱们已经学会把球往天上传啦 。同盟塌台了。
[–]Thunderamari_prince 492 points an hour ago
Yeah he’s exceeding expectations already lmao
雷霆球迷 :是啊,他已经逾越人们的预期了 。
[–]WarriorsCurrymvp2 245 points an hour ago
*He's only 19 too; he's going to get physically stronger and just continue to improve significantly. He has a chance of being on that MJ and LeBron level one day; it's plausible.
怯夫球迷 :他才19岁 ,他未来会变患上更壮